Supertrend indicator was created by Olivier Seban.
SuperTrend is a trend following indicator.
Supertrend indicator is used to indicate the direction of the movement of the market, that is whether the market is in an upward direction or in a downward direction.
Supertrend is based on previous high and previous low.This will help the trader to know the direction of the market
Supertrend indicator has red and blue lines.Blue line indicates the upward market direction while red line indicates the downward market direction
Supertrend indicator is based on ATR of the upper and lower supertrend with a multiplier and therefore is calculated using the following formula;
Since supertrend indicator is based on previous low and previous high, it therefore follows that when the supertrend indicator rises above the previous high price,the supertrend will turn red thus an indication that the market has become overbought thus signaling the trader to close any buy position and open a sell position since the market will start moving downwards.
SuperTrend is a trend following indicator.
Supertrend indicator is used to indicate the direction of the movement of the market, that is whether the market is in an upward direction or in a downward direction.
Supertrend is based on previous high and previous low.This will help the trader to know the direction of the market
Supertrend indicator has red and blue lines.Blue line indicates the upward market direction while red line indicates the downward market direction
Supertrend indicator is based on ATR of the upper and lower supertrend with a multiplier and therefore is calculated using the following formula;
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