Keltner channel(KC)
Keltner channel is a trend following indicator. Being a trend following indicator,Keltner channel indicator was created by Chester .W. Keltner with the main objective of helping traders to know whether the market is trending upwards or in a downward direction.Just like in other trend following indicators,keltner channel is based on support and resistance.Keltner channel is further considered to be similar to bollinger band and donchian channels on the fact that it is also used to identify the volatility of the market. Just like in bollinger band, keltner channel also has 3 bands, the upper band, the middle band and the lower band.The upper band represent the highest high while the lower band represent the lowest low. According to Chester Keltner,its value is derived using the average true range as follows; upper keltner channel = n-period exponential moving average + average true range multipliers lower keltner channel= n-period exponential moving average- average true range m...